
Family sailing Nov 23, 2016

UNC-TV Visits Endurance Seafood

For full story, video and photo gallery click here

Keith Bruno loves his job fishing, crabbing and collecting oysters with his two teenage sons, but health

Fisherman 680x455 civil eats 600x246 Nov 18, 2016

Can North Carolina’s Local Seafood Movement Help Save its Fishermen?

By Christina Cooke
Civil Eats

A group of forward-thinking fishermen are appealing to the local food scene by marketing the nearly 50 types of fish across four seasons to their

Img 4221 263x350 263x246 Mar 10, 2016

NC Catch Board Member Hemilright Pays It Forward With Fish

Several commercial fishermen from the Outer Banks have been paying it forward this winter with donations of fish to a local food pantry. Buddy Coppersmith (F/V Emily Shay), Jimmy Taylor

Summit%20crowd Mar 09, 2016

Annual Catch Summit Docks in Beaufort

From The Carteret County News-Times

Wild, locally caught seafood may become a niche market, or it may already be one. But whatever its future, seafood industry stakeholders and state officials

Z smith reynolds foundation Feb 29, 2016

Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation Awards $40,000 to NC Catch

Two-year grant to strengthen North Carolina’s seafood economy

Trustees of the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation have awarded a grant to NC Catch to support the organization’s work of elevating North

We krieger11.wdp  600x246 Feb 14, 2016

Scary News About Seafood: We're not eating enough

Here’s some scary news about seafood: Most of us are not eating nearly enough of it. A whopping 80 to 90 percent of Americans do not get the recommended minimum


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