Fishery managers need your help to save this historic N.C. fishery


Water pollution is hurting one of North Carolina's most historic fisheries, and the N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries needs your help to save it.

The division is looking for individuals willing to discuss public interests and concerns to sit on the Striped Mullet Fishery Management Plan Advisory Committee. The committee will help the division develop Amendment 2 to the N.C. Striped Mullet Fishery Management Plan.

"Maintenance and improvement of estuarine habitat and water quality are probably one of the most important factors in providing sustainable striped mullet stocks," the Division of Marine Fisheries reports. Stock assessments show fewer stiped mullet in N.C. waters.

"All habitats used by striped mullet are threatened in some way. Water quality degradation through stormwater runoff, discharges, toxic chemicals, sedimentation, and turbidity all have been documented as threats to striped mullet and their habitat. Due to the importance of inlets to larval striped mullet estuarine ingress and adult egress, terminal groins may threaten striped mullet stocks.

"Wetlands are threatened by human activities, including dredging for marinas and channels, filling for development, ditching and draining for agriculture, silviculture, and development, channelization, and shoreline stabilization. Dredging also threatens soft bottom habitat affecting striped mullet food sources and water quality,"

From our blog: Love seafood? Here's why your voice matters. 

Commercial fishers, recreational fishers, scientists, non-governmental organizations and the general public are welcome to apply for a committee seat. To be qualified to serve on the committee, applicants may not have had a significant fisheries violation within the past three years.

Interested individuals must be available to attend and actively participate in the workshop over several days the week of July 24, 2023. The workshop will take place during normal business hours, tentatively in New Bern. Participation includes reviewing documents to provide input to the division for consideration to refine management options in draft Amendment 2.

Advisers who complete the necessary paperwork will be reimbursed for expenses incurred in relation to their official duties.

Click here to download the committee application. You may also pick up an application at Division of Marine Fisheries offices, or by calling 252-808-8022 or 800-682-2632. Applications should be returned by May 19, 2023, by email to or by mail to N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries, P.O. Box 769, Morehead City, N.C. 28557, Attention: Paula Farnell.

If you have questions, contact the Fishery Management Plan Coordinator, Corrin Flora, at or 252-808-8014 or Paula Farnell at 252-808-8022.

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