Happy National (seafood😉) Fritters Day
"No matter how tired we were at the end of the work day, enough energy always remained to fry up a batch of seafood fritters."
Seafood fritters are a traditional recipe among commercial fishing families along the North Carolina coast. A mountain of the fluffy, fried pillows, golden brown and jammed full of chopped shrimp, scallops or clams, sometimes a combination, is a special treat to celebrate National Fritters Day on December 2.
"Sometimes even before sunrise on Saturdays when I was a child, my family of part-time fishers were on Onslow County’s New River headed to our favorite clamming hole. While one of us kids dug clams with my mother, another of us rode with Dad on a small skiff pulling a shrimp trawl, setting nets or looking for oysters. Once, we lucked up on shallows teeming with bay scallops," food storyteller Liz Biro writes at coastalreview.org.
"No matter how tired we were at the end of the work day, enough energy always remained to fry up a batch of seafood fritters."
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